General Information

Convention attendees: 24,161
Investors: 3,807
International attendees: 26%
Outside of Canada the largest number of attendees came from: USA, Australia, Peru, United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, China, Argentina, Germany, South Africa and Finland
Countries represented: 130
Student attendees: 1,256
Self-identified Aboriginal attendees: more than 500
Accredited media: 270
Media Partners: 42
Sponsors: 45

Exhibits - Trade Show & Trade Show North
Booths: 867
Exhibiting organizations: 490
Governments exhibiting: 68

Exhibits - Core Shack
Exhibiting companies: 40

Exhibits - Investors Exchange
Booths: 470
Exhibiting organizations: 443

Exhibits - Prospectors Tent
Prospectors Tent booths: 13

Presentations and workshops
Technical Sessions: 19
Short Courses: 8
Presentation Rooms & Reception Rooms: 35
Corporate Presentation Forum for Investors presentations: 102
Speakers: 472

Mining Marketplace
Booths: 27
Exhibiting organizations: 26